How to Keep Your Pregnant Dog Safe During Hot Weather
by Phenyx Media on Apr 30, 2024

Sunny days mean tons of fun outside with your furry best friend. But, hot weather can be tough on dogs.
Don’t sweat it, though! Here’s how you can help your dog chill out this summer, making sure they’re as happy and comfy as you are.
What Dogs Need in Summer
Not all dogs are the same when it comes to dealing with heat. Some things like how big your dog is, the type of fur they have, how old they are, and even what breed they are can make a big difference in how they feel when it’s hot outside.
Keep Your Dog Cool and Happy
Water Fun: Make sure your dog has lots of cool, fresh water all the time. You can even toss in some ice cubes to make it extra chilly.
Shady Spots: Whether they’re hanging out in the yard or inside the house, make sure there’s always a cool, shady spot for them to relax in.
Smart Scheduling: Do your walking and playtime in the early morning or late evening when it’s not so hot. The middle of the day is perfect for a nice, long nap inside.
Paw Care: Hot sidewalks can hurt your dog’s paws. Try to walk on grass or, if you have to walk on hot pavement, doggie booties can protect their feet.
Fun Food: Mix things up by adding some wet food to their diet since it’s got more water in it. Or, you could mix some water into their regular dry food.
Cool Beds: On really hot days, a cooling pad or just a nice cool floor can be the perfect spot for a nap.
Keep the Air Moving: Fans aren’t just for people. They can help your dog stay cool, too.
Grooming: Keep your dog brushed and trimmed, but don’t shave them. Their fur actually helps protect them from getting too hot.
Watch Their Weight: A healthy weight means your dog can stay cooler and more comfortable when it’s hot out.
Signs of Too Much Heat
Even with all these cool tips, it’s important to watch out for signs that your dog is getting too hot. Things like not being able to stand up, acting really tired, panting a lot, or their heart beating super fast mean you need to help them cool down right away.
Summing It Up
So, there you have it! With these tips, your dog can have a super cool summer, just like you. Remember, keeping an eye on them and making sure they have what they need to stay cool means more fun in the sun for both of you.
Let’s make this summer the best one yet for your dog!
FAQs for Keeping Your Dog Cool in Summer
Can I shave my dog to help them stay cool in summer?
Shaving your dog might seem like a good way to help them beat the heat, but it's not always the best idea. Dogs' coats have a natural way of keeping them cool. A good brush to remove loose fur can help more than shaving. If you're thinking about cutting their hair, talk to a vet or professional groomer for advice on the best length.
How often should I give my dog water during the summer?
Make sure your dog has access to fresh, cool water at all times. You might need to refill their bowl more often than usual on hot days, especially if they're spending time outside or being active. Adding ice cubes can keep the water even cooler.
Is it safe for my dog to walk on hot pavement?
Hot pavement can hurt your dog's paws, causing burns and discomfort. Test the pavement with your hand; if it's too hot for you, it's too hot for your dog. Try to walk in the morning or evening when it's cooler, or stick to grassy areas. Doggie booties can also protect their paws.
What are the signs of heatstroke in dogs?
Signs of heatstroke include excessive panting, drooling, difficulty breathing, rapid heartbeat, high body temperature, weakness, collapse, and even seizures. If you notice any of these signs, move your dog to a cooler area immediately and call your vet for further instructions.
Can all dogs swim as a way to cool down?
Not all dogs are natural swimmers. While many dogs enjoy water, some breeds and individuals may struggle or even panic in water. Always introduce your dog to water gradually and supervise them closely. Never force your dog into water if they're not comfortable, and consider a dog life vest for extra safety.